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What does it mean to be "food insecure?"

According to the Feeding America website, "in the United States, more than one out of five children lives in a household with food insecurity, which means they do not always know where they will find their next meal. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in 2012, 15.9 million children under 18 in the United States live in this condition – unable to consistently access nutritious and adequate amounts of food necessary for a healthy life."

NRG Packs realizes these stats also affect children in Montgomery County. Lack of proper nutrition can cause children to have mental and physical developmental issues or cause illnesses. These things can also lead to behavioral or social concerns for the child. Children who are food insecure may have problems academically as well.

NRG Packs strives to assist these students by providing weekend meals, which they can prepare themselves, to help alleviate many of the concerns listed above.

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